By means of the Green ITEC monitoring software, it’s possible, by
the connection of a PC to the RS 232 interface of the
CLEANISLAND PCS, to display all the operating parameters
including the supplied power and energy, to display the alarms
and to activate the data logging. This function allows to acquire
the main operating parameters with 0,5 sec frequency; an Excel
file is created each hour and all the daily files are stored into a
dedicated folder.
It’s available, as option, a remote control kit composed of an
embedded PC and a 4G router mounted into the PCS cabinet.
The monitoring software running inside the PC allows to have
the a.m. functions also from remote.
Moreover the remote control kit allows Green ITEC to give a
support for the commissioning and for the after sales service
from remote, because with the monitoring software is also
possible to modify the set-up and the firmware and to manage
the on board oscilloscope. These functions are only available for
Green ITEC technicians.
A RS 485 interface is available to communicate with MODBUS
RTU protocol.
As option is available a communication electronic card that
increase the connection capability as follows: 2 x RS 485, 2 x
CAN BUS and 1 x TCP/IP.

ITEC Solutions focuses since day one on helping different Industrial companies to implement new products and technologies quicker and more efficiently leading to optimizing plant operations as well as, improving competitiveness and profitability. We optimize our customer’s development by presenting industry focused solution and regulated information systems. Our path for this success comes from the services that combine a comprehensive line of software and hardware products, engineering services,
ITEC’s engineering personnel provide a full range of engineering services

ITEC engineering team has a record of studying, writing and putting into practice different inquiries and proposals. Our engineers will assess every client’s current technical system and organize subsequently a technical offer to develop or modernize the existing technology. To fully succeed into every Plan our client’s support is highly recommended, effective proposal that will meet the customer’s technical needs and budget requirements.

The system design phase of any project incudes concept assumption and identifying a system solution. To write down the exact system that matches a client’s need, it is indispensable to have faultless communication between a group of engineers whose mutual knowledge contains an in- detail understanding of the required process, the technical features and phases of the system, what is the environment in which the system will be implemented, any external influence, and the know how being applied to the problem.